Sharon, our fabulous artist who did all of the colouring pages for the app was interviewed again.
Julie Musselman of Catholic Moms Connect interviewed Sharon this past week. She spoke about how this app has impacted her faith life and the faith life of her daughter. Julie spoke about how the Saint of the Day for Kids app would be a great asset to teachers teaching grade school, middle school, or especially kindergarten aged children about the lives of the saints. Home schooling parents will also appreciate this new resource.
CLICK Here for the 13 minute interview
We are delighted to share with you a new app available for iphone and ipad, Saint of the Day for Kids. The goal of the app is to give a short and child-friendly daily dose of the Saints. Perfect for home, school or homeschooling.
Special thank you goes out to Julie, and Cheryl Martin (Manager, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Division) who put us in touch and recommended our App to be profiled.
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