
11 05, 2018

On the Radio, Canada and the US – Saint of the Day App for Kids

By |2020-04-18T17:51:56-06:00May 11th, 2018|Application, Devices|0 Comments

Check out the Saint of the Day For Kids App interview with Salt+Light Radio at the link below! A international show! Around 28 minutes in! Saint of the Day App on the Radio You can also subscribe to their great podcast. For those of you Matt Maher fans ... He is also highlighted his new album. From the description: Today we learn about the Saints of the Day for kids app. Sr. Marie-Paul Curley shows us the Windows to the Soul of two films, Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Us and Life of Pi, and Matt Maher has a new album, All the People Said Amen. Sharon Leyne was interviewed by the host of the show, Deacon Pedro Guevara Mann. Pedro covers a lot of interesting Catholic topics on his show. The topic of family and raising children in the faith has come up a number of times. We discussed technology and how it can be used to help our kids deepen their faith, we spoke about the need for inspiration for our children not to be martyred but to focus on the whole life of the Saints. For example, Sharon suggested that many of the saint icons we have of Blessed John Paul II, are of the semi side profile, [...]

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