Be sure to check in with this weeks Prairie Messenger Newspaper, Kiply Lukan Yaworski, has written a great article about the Saint of the Day for Kids App.
What is the Prairie Messenger?
True to its Catholic tradition, the Prairie Messenger seeks to mirror for the church on the Prairies the whole reality of the pilgrim People of God as they seek to better understand, make present and judge themselves by the kingdom of God as announced in the liberating and merciful news of Jesus Christ.
Kiply has generously shared her own experience using the Saint of the Day for Kids App, and wanted to ‘get the word out’ even further by brining it into the paper.
A simple, bold illustration for each saint can be emailed or printed out for a child to colour or share. A brief prayer is part of each day’s entry, making it useful for any families who are seeking to use the app to enhance or encourage daily prayer with their children.
For generations, the stories of saints have been presented to children through story, stained glass, prayer cards and books, as well as animation, videos and even saint “trading cards.” It is a natural step to move that effort into the digital world of applications and mobile devices, say team members. But at the heart of the project is still the profound longing to share a treasure of the faith with children.
You can read the full article on their site.
Thanks Kiply for another great review.
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