Praying with kids is a challenge. We had an issue with our app that the Saints were skipping around and not landing on the correct date. A user brought this to my attention, which is great! Her feedback after we worked toward resolving the issue was this:

Thanks, I appreciate your update to the app but more importantly I appreciate the app and how it’s enriched our evening prayer time with our children. We begin our evening prayers with reading the saint of the day (and the kids like to see the picture) then ask that saint to intercede for us before we continue with the rest of our prayers. It’s been such a great way for all of us to learn about the saints!



What Praying With Your Kids Does

That is an awesome feeling. This is what all four of us had in mind when we started this project two+ years ago. We wanted to impact our own families. But more importantly we wanted to get others on a journey where they can be inspired and encourage their kids. Is it easy to be dedicated and do it every day like Gisele? No, it isn’t. BUT, this app is there for a quick boost in your tool box of ‘Encouraging faith filled kids’.