
Developing and Launching Saint of the Day for Kids App for iOS

At the beginning of May, 2013, myself and three others, launched a new app in the world of iOS. Sandra Molyneux, Erin Lockert, and also Sharon Leyne, and I have been working on this app for approximately a year. Two years ago, my wife and I were looking to teach our kids more about the rich heritage the church has with Saints. Some of the more famous ones one thinks of: St. Mary, St. Paul, St. Christopher, things coming from my childhood. Since both folks are practicing Catholics, we wished to share this with our children. The trouble was, there just wasn't much in existence that we found useful for our 3-7 year olds, that will wasn't too graphic or very 'modern'. It was also spread out all around us, and wasn't easy to compile. Many of us wanted something handy, something that our kids could engage with. Other Options We had located a 'Saint of the Day' walls calendar. It was big, and expensive. I searched to have something that was interactive, and something that they would want to consider reading by themselves. Two years later the app is in the app store and it is gaining a following. The reviews that individuals have had are positive, and constructive [...]

By |2020-04-18T17:52:03-06:00May 20th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

On the Radio, Canada and the US – Saint of the Day App for Kids

Check out the Saint of the Day For Kids App interview with Salt+Light Radio at the link below! A international show! Around 28 minutes in! Saint of the Day App on the Radio You can also subscribe to their great podcast. For those of you Matt Maher fans ... He is also highlighted his new album. From the description: Today we learn about the Saints of the Day for kids app. Sr. Marie-Paul Curley shows us the Windows to the Soul of two films, Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Us and Life of Pi, and Matt Maher has a new album, All the People Said Amen. Sharon Leyne was interviewed by the host of the show, Deacon Pedro Guevara Mann. Pedro covers a lot of interesting Catholic topics on his show. The topic of family and raising children in the faith has come up a number of times. We discussed technology and how it can be used to help our kids deepen their faith, we spoke about the need for inspiration for our children not to be martyred but to focus on the whole life of the Saints. For example, Sharon suggested that many of the saint icons we have of Blessed John Paul II, are of the semi side profile, [...]

By |2020-04-18T17:51:56-06:00May 11th, 2018|Application, Devices|0 Comments

Top Five Catholic Apps

I am a father of four. I work as a freelance graphic designer and freelance webmaster. Sometimes getting to prayer with four kids under 8 is a challenge for me. Catholic apps on my iPad or iPhone give me the resources to what I need for my faith. These top five Catholic apps have helped me to have more time for prayer and connect my kids with prayer as well. Catholic Faith Based Apps 1. Saint of the Day for Kids App $1.99 Of course I am going to recommend my own app. However, it is because we use it pretty regularly with our kids. My oldest (he's eight) isn't so much interested in the colouring pages any more, but he is interested in reading about the lives of the Saints. They aren't long or complicated, perhaps that is why he likes it. It is also our own go to app for Saint info. Saint of the Day for Kids. Same price as a colouring book, and a lot more information. :) We use it daily. 2. Confession - $1.99 Designed to be used in the confessional, this app is the perfect aid for every penitent. With a personalized examination of conscience for each user, password protected profiles, and a step-by-step guide [...]

By |2020-04-18T17:50:54-06:00March 19th, 2018|Review, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Saint of the Day for Kids App Review from a Catholic Homeschooling Mom

Pam Barnhill, over at gave us a great review and some fabulous suggestions for keeping our app up to date! Thank you, Pam! Her review was good, but read about her favorite part of the app. It's great! We love it when we get suggestions and feedback! Homeschool App We have heard our app has been used by homeschooling parents, Mom's and Dad's, to help gain interest in the lives of the saints. For us, it was difficult to find a resource that was age appropriate, and short enough that didn't involve a lot of difficult reading. Short little bites of information on a saint may trigger your kids to explore more about a particular saint. We left some of the details of their death in the descriptions, but left out the more gruesome details. Many were killed for their faith, and even though for many it is difficult to imagine, it was a reality. Thank you Pam Barnhill for a great review!  

By |2020-04-18T17:51:00-06:00March 3rd, 2018|Review|0 Comments

New Years Resolutions for Christians … Buckets of Milk

As 2014 begins many people make resolutions to get healthier, eat better and accomplish more. How many people put their faith life on the list of things to deepen, expand and learn about. The depths of the Church Is it easy to learn about the depth of the Catholic faith, what about your Christian roots? The information out there on the history of the church is plentiful. Just start googling catholic, or ask around. There are many resources. Where did it all begin? Christmas 2013 has just passed, and we celebrated the coming of the Saviour. For the last 2000 years people have come before us and lived their lives according to scripture, and worked within and without the Catholic Church. Many of the movers and shakers of the last 2000 years have been saints. They impacted social norms, art, history, and society. Learning more about the saints is as easy as downloading the app. 365 Saints right there on your iPhone, iPod, iPad!   Miracles and Milk! Incredible miracles happened with the saints. Jesus changed water into wine, but what about filling a pail with milk? It's happened. St. Brigid of Ireland was generous with all of those around her, but one day she was a afraid that she [...]

By |2020-04-18T17:51:10-06:00January 15th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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