
17 06, 2019

Today’s Catholic Saint of the Day, now for Android

By |2020-04-19T08:55:53-06:00June 17th, 2019|Application|1 Comment

After only one year, the Saint of the Day for Kids app is proud to be able to move onto another mobile platform. For $1.99 you can have 365 Saints, their biographies, and a drawn picture to colour not only on your iOS (iPod, iPhone, iPad), but also your Android devices. We have tested it on as many as we can, and we look forward to feedback on how we can make this new platform even better. You can find Catholic Saints on the play store, but can you find the Saint of the Day for Kids app? It is right here: Now Available on  Google Play Catholic Saints are now on your phone! This summer, why not engage your kids in learning about the lives of the saints, inspire them with their bravery, and their faith. Now on virtually any device! On to the Saint of the Day for Today: St. Blaise Blaise learned about Jesus as a boy. He was always concerned about the troubles of the world but found great joy in Jesus. He became a priest and then a Bishop. He was always trying to do good and to help people. He was arrested for his belief in Jesus, because the ruler of Armenia did not believe in [...]

9 01, 2019

A Quick Reference for Kids on How to Pray the Rosary: A Printable rosary guide

By |2020-04-19T08:57:17-06:00January 9th, 2019|Application, Faithful Kids|0 Comments

The Rosary can be challenging for kids to get a grasp on. It is long, and seems to go on forever. This is a printable rosary guide, it can be for kids, or just for yourself. Our children went through confirmation and first communion in second grade (age 8), and many of the deep prayers of the church seemed to overwhelm them. I created this printable for them to have at their bed side, taped to their bedroom wall, so that they could see that there was an end, and to be able to read along. We found it helpful to always have rosaries around. Our kids are used to using them, touching them, so that they feel comfortable holding it when it comes time to pray. If you can only get through one decade, it's okay. Mary is a mother too. I hope that you can use this with your kids, or school. It has the new missal format for the Apostle's creed. Printable Rosary Guide

2 12, 2018

A Saint for Every Need

By |2020-04-18T17:51:22-06:00December 2nd, 2018|Application|0 Comments

Saint's are attributed special graces to specific circumstances. St. Matthew as an example is patron of Accountants. It seems like an odd attribute to have, but based on their life and what they were passionate about, why would they not have a special passion for their interest? Do you have a favourite patron, what is specialty? St. Isidore is one of my patrons, my work on the internet has praying often for this saints prayers. Here's a great infographic I found on a number of patrons!  

7 10, 2018

A Review from and featured

By |2020-04-18T17:51:17-06:00October 7th, 2018|Application|0 Comments

Saint of the Day for Kids was reviewed on Catholic Apps is a great site, that reviews and shares Catholic Tom was kind enough to review the app, and a number of users gave their thoughts.   This app was written and designed with kids and families in mind!  The brief biographies of each saint are written for little ears.  The artwork is simple and easily printed for coloring with children. - See more at:  

19 07, 2018

Special Welcome for World Youth Day Pilgrims!

By |2020-04-18T17:51:36-06:00July 19th, 2018|Application|2 Comments

Saint of the Day for Kids App welcomes World Youth Day pilgrims from all over the world. As the main developer for the App, I have attended including: Denver, Colorado, United States of America Rome, Italy Toronto, Ontario, Canada Cologne, Germany That is a lot of travelling and meeting youth from all over the world. Saints for Prayer One of the highlights of World Youth Day is the highlight of various patrons of World Youth Day. You may be wondering if we have included any of the intercessors and patrons for World Youth Day in Rio, Brazil this year (2013). WE DO! St. Therese of Lisieux. Therese belonged to a very holy family.  Her mother and father loved Jesus so much and they taught Therese and her four sisters to love Jesus too.  Therese was the youngest in the family and everyone loved her very much and took very good care of her.  When Therese was only 4 years old, her mother got very sick and she died.  Therese’s oldest sister Pauline became like a mother to Therese.  Since Therese was the youngest and people felt bad for her because she lost her mother, she was spoiled; everyone did everything for her.  When Pauline decided to leave home to join [...]

13 07, 2018

Family prayer with small children.

By |2020-04-18T17:51:28-06:00July 13th, 2018|Application|0 Comments

Everyone family has a different routine at night, something to get the kids to bed and get a little bit of quiet time to calm down. My wife and I have prayed together every night since we were married. I can count on one hand (maybe two) the number of times that we haven't prayed together in the last ten years. Occasionally, one or both of us has fallen asleep, but we were there. Our Family Grows When we had our oldest son, we wanted to extend this prayer time with him. As our family grew and our kids grew we have made the same commitment with them. Daily prayer with us, for now, every night. If we were out late, we do it on the way home. But even our kids can count the number of times we have missed. Our two oldest have been praying with us for a long time, and we have moved through different seasons of prayer. We have sung, chanted, even done a little bit of quiet meditation. We have at least tried various forms. Saint Names Each of our kids have saint names, for at least one of their names, and we have tried to encourage prayer requests via their namesakes. But then [...]

8 07, 2018

A Saint Went Missing

By |2020-04-18T17:51:42-06:00July 8th, 2018|Application|0 Comments

Saints get forgotten all the time, and I am sure that many of them would rather we contemplate Jesus than review their lives in great detail. This was not the case with the latest update. We found that when we put out the update some Saints were showing on the wrong dates, and some were not showing up all together. There is an update in progress right now that should fix these issues, it should be out soon. Some of the saints can be accessed by looking at them alphabetically.

1 07, 2018

Guest Interview … Highlighting Use as Teacher Resource

By |2021-03-29T10:02:50-06:00July 1st, 2018|Application|0 Comments

Sharon, our fabulous artist who did all of the colouring pages for the app was interviewed again. Julie Musselman of Catholic Moms Connect interviewed Sharon this past week. She spoke about how this app has impacted her faith life and the faith life of her daughter. Julie spoke about how the Saint of the Day for Kids app would be a great asset to teachers teaching grade school, middle school, or especially kindergarten aged children about the lives of the saints. Home schooling parents will also appreciate this new resource. CLICK Here for the 13 minute interview We are delighted to share with you a new app available for iphone and ipad, Saint of the Day for Kids. The goal of the app is to give a short and child-friendly daily dose of the Saints.  Perfect for home, school or homeschooling. Keep reading here. Special thank you goes out to Julie, and  Cheryl Martin (Manager, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Division) who put us in touch and recommended our App to be profiled.

11 05, 2018

On the Radio, Canada and the US – Saint of the Day App for Kids

By |2020-04-18T17:51:56-06:00May 11th, 2018|Application, Devices|0 Comments

Check out the Saint of the Day For Kids App interview with Salt+Light Radio at the link below! A international show! Around 28 minutes in! Saint of the Day App on the Radio You can also subscribe to their great podcast. For those of you Matt Maher fans ... He is also highlighted his new album. From the description: Today we learn about the Saints of the Day for kids app. Sr. Marie-Paul Curley shows us the Windows to the Soul of two films, Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Us and Life of Pi, and Matt Maher has a new album, All the People Said Amen. Sharon Leyne was interviewed by the host of the show, Deacon Pedro Guevara Mann. Pedro covers a lot of interesting Catholic topics on his show. The topic of family and raising children in the faith has come up a number of times. We discussed technology and how it can be used to help our kids deepen their faith, we spoke about the need for inspiration for our children not to be martyred but to focus on the whole life of the Saints. For example, Sharon suggested that many of the saint icons we have of Blessed John Paul II, are of the semi side profile, [...]

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